Buying Or Selling a Business

We Work For You Because We Care About our Clients

Buying a Business

If you are intending to buy an existing business, then you should take the time to consider the commercial viability and undertakings that are in place for the Business. Buying an existing business is a significant decision, which is why our Commercial Lawyers will assist in following a proven process for due diligence which will identify all the necessary information about the business and potential areas of risk.

A.L.F. Lawyers will guide and assist you in identifying the ownership of key assets and review your Commercial Lease with a view of explaining your level of exposure. As part of the process, we will help identify the Vendor’s motivation for selling the business, ongoing liabilities and details of contracts with suppliers, clients and staff.

We understand that the acquisition of a business needs to be executed in a timely manner at a reasonable and competitive price.

Buying A Business In Brisbane

Appointing a Commercial Solicitor early in the negotiation and prior to entering into a contract is advantageous. We can assist to prepare the terms associated with your due-diligence clause, dates within the contract and identifying the information that will be required to complete the due diligence process as well as ensure that all assets you intend to be included in the purchase are thoroughly detailed to protect your interests.

The size, turnover and complexity of a business influences the necessary time needed to complete a detailed due diligence. If appointed early in the purchase process, our Lawyers can assist you in establishing the appropriate due diligence time frames for your contract.

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Selling a Business

Before selling your business you need to be clear on your objectives and the role you want to play in the business once the business is sold.

Obtaining Legal guidance from our Commercial Lawyers early in the sale process can assist in the clarification and definition of what is included and omitted from the sale. We can also assist in identifying the information that a perspective buyer will be seeking as part of the due diligence process which has the potential to reduce the time required to complete the sale.

A sale of a business can incorporate a wide range of assets including trademarks, property, machinery as well as licenses, leases and contracts with suppliers, staff and clients. As part of our process we work with you to create clarity around the various components of your business that you want to sell and the possible market value of the business.

Generally, the purchasers solicitor will prepare the sale contract, however, we can assist in preparing some special conditions that you can negotiate as part of the sale to ensure that certain aspects of the sale are in accordance with your wishes.

Selling a business, gives potential buyers the opportunity to obtain confidential information about your business. Depending on the nature of your business you may need us to create a confidentiality agreement and a process for screening potential buyers.

Achieving a successful sale in part involves the collaboration and involvement of good legal and financial advisers with experience and a professional approach to the process.

The team of Commercial Solicitors at A.L.F. Lawyers can assist you in many aspects of the sale of your Business at a competitive price.
As part of a business acquisition, our commercial solicitors can assist you in the following:
  • Setting up Trusts
  • Establishing a Company Structure
  • Setting up Partnership Agreements, Shareholders Agreements and Joint Venture Agreements
  • Assigning existing leases or negotiating new leases
  • Attending to adjustments for employee entitlements
  • Arranging the transfer of registered business name

Meet one of our Commercial Property Lawyer with a vast experience in Commercial Law, Property Development and Land Sub-Division.

We offer competitive professional legal service

The best way we can assist you is by giving us an understanding of the type of business that you are purchasing or selling.

Where possible we will do our best to prepare a quote which gives you an indication of the steps we will be taking in handling your transaction and the associated costs along the way.

Complete the quote request form below and we will contact you within 24 hours with advice on the best way to approach your matter and provide a free quote.

There are considerable factors that can complicate the purchase or sale of a business. This includes, the turnover of the business, number of employees, structural complexity of the business, value of assets, existing contracts in place, intellectual property owned and more.

The requirements of the other party and their respective solicitors also influences the amount of time and effort required. Clients should consider all of these factors as it difficult to preempt how they will play out during the negotiation and settlement with respect to our quoted price.

Our commercial Lawyers will openly communicate all aspects of cost along the process and work with you to ensure you have an optimum transaction with competitive legal costs.

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