Conveyancing Selling

Beware of Cheap Conveyancing Prices

Always satisfy yourself you are dealing with a reputable Law Firm that has sufficient insurance in place and qualified professionals with a reputation of providing their clients excellent customer service.

Always validate that your sale will only be handled by one person and that this person will be your point of contact.

Before appointing your conveyancing company, contact the person nominated to do your conveyance and see if they answer your call.

As Part of Selling Your Property You Will Need a Solicitor

If you have appointed an agent, they will ask to nominate a solicitor to handle your sale. Simply name A.L.F. Lawyers as your representative and the agent will email us a copy of your contract once all parties have signed.

As a seller, you have the right to prepare your own contract of sale or you can have your agent prepare one for you. By electing to have your own contract of sale, you can decide what is included/excluded as part of the sale and what information you want disclosed in your contract.

You can also decide timeframes for the contract where the sale is linked to a relocation for work or business. In this situation, our Solicitors can prepare the contract on your behalf.

If you are selling the property privately, you may also wish to engage A.L.F. Lawyers to prepare your contract for you.

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    Once your Contract is Signed Our Conveyancing Work Commences

    1. We Manage the Complexity of Your Sale

    Conveyancing is a complicated legal process that eventually finishes with the changing of property ownership from the previous owner to the new one.

    The sale of a property can generally be linked to a purchase of another property. The participation of multiple banks, multiple agents, multiple Lawyers on the other side and a purchaser and potentially a vendor, very easily can result in problems that can delay one or multiple property transactions.

    This is where the value of your Conveyancing Lawyer is worth the Fee you pay as your Conveyancing Lawyer must be diligent enough to take charge of the coordination, advise you well and regularly update you on progress.
    Protecting the Property of the Parties in a De Facto Relationship
    2. One Person Only Will Manage Your Sale

    Clients of A.L.F. Lawyers only deal with one person who is a qualified Lawyer or the Managing Director.

    This person will be your only point of communication and will liaise with your agent, mortgage broker, lender, the vendor’s solicitors, council and water services.

    We guarantee you will not be transferred from one person to another as your matter progresses.  Our people start and finish with the same client.

    We understand how frustrating clients become when they have no idea who to speak to about their matter when something goes wrong.

    Even more frustrating when clients call, and get passed around the office until they find the person who is looking after that one specific part of your conveyancing.

    We make it easier for our clients because we really do care about our clients.

    3. We Discuss and Agree If Any Searches Are Needed for Your Sale

    Several mandatory searches are needed for a sale, but overall costs should be relatively low.

    Contact Our Conveyancing Lawyers In Brisbane

    What Can Go Wrong With Your Conveyancing?

    At times, the conveyancing of a property will go smoothly from beginning to end, however more and more often the process can be far from from smooth.

    Unexpected situations are where conveyancing can become complicated and requires an experienced legal professional to promptly intervene, advise you, handle the problem effectively and communicate with all involved. The examples below illustrate areas where how much you are paying in conveyancing fees becomes less important than having a good Lawyer working for you.


    A simple extension of contract due to finance can go terribly wrong if your Lawyer is not contactable, left the office at 4.55 p.m. or does not have experienced support people that can step in if other work priorities take over.

    An unexpected result in a search can influence your purchase where the person handling your file inexperienced and part of a team that are processing your file.

    In firms where, multiple people are used to manage your file, the one with the experience to understand the problem may not always be available.


    A delay in settlement may occur when something goes wrong with the financial lender or the other parties Lawyer and your Lawyer is not prepared to go the extra mile to rectify the situation as it’s not their responsibility to do so even though, you the client will be inconvenienced.


    Most clients selling their homes are likely to have purchased elsewhere or be relocating interstate or overseas. Their sale may be associated with the purchase of another property or the rental of a property.

    The sale will often involve a removalist, contractors, and where they are buying and selling, multiple lenders. Each of these factors can create tremendous stress and additional expenses when delays start to occur.

    The team at A.L.F. Lawyers understand Conveyancing and the potential problems associated with the process which is why they can be trusted with the purchase of your property.

    There’s nothing worse than trying to save pennies on your conveyancing fee and ending up paying thousands because your conveyancing was done cheaply.

    Our top-notch conveyancing lawyers in Brisbane specialise in smooth and stress-free property transfers. Book an appointment or call us today!

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