Pre-Contract Advice

By obtaining pre-contract legal advice a client is able to consider

  1. what matters should be investigated before deciding to buy or sell
  2. what responsibilities have to be fulfilled before selling
  3. what special conditions may have to be inserted into a contract to protect their interest and how they will effect you
  4. verify timelines for mortgagors and financiers are appropriate
  5. how to retain special items in your house when selling
  6. requirements for pest and building
  7. addressing any aspects of the contract that may create problems at a later date

The Agent must be made aware of any encumbrances, covenants, tenancies, environmental issues, works carried out on the property as an owner builder or other interests that may affect the property.

By engaging A.L.F. Lawyers to provide you with pre-contract advice any issues that may affect the property, that you may not have thought of through the discussions with your Agent can be addressed and form part of the Contract of Sale.

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    A.L.F. Lawyers can also provide a service of reviewing the documents and providing advice on the Contract prior to you signing. As a Buyer or Seller your right is to obtain Legal Advice prior to entering into any Agreement. It is recommended that you sought such advice from one of our competent Legal Professionals.

    By receiving pre-contract advice you reduce your risk of entering into a Contract that gives the buyer the right to terminate the Contract as a result of non-disclosure.

    Preparation of Contract when selling your property

    Generally, the Real Estate Agent that markets your property will prepare the Contract of Sale for you based on the instructions and conditions outlined by the buyer as part of the terms of purchase. In some instances, an individual person selling a property may be aware of issues of concern that are required to be disclosed in the Contract.

    The Agent must be made aware of any encumbrances, covenants, tenancies, environmental issues, works carried out on the property as an owner builder or other interests that may affect the property. This may also include specific instructions with respect to any chattels or improvements that the seller may want to retain when they sell their property.

    In these situations, A.L.F. Lawyers can work with you and liaise with the Agent to ensure your interests as a Seller are protected and any Disclosures pertaining to the property form part of the Contract.

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